Saturday, 18 December 2010

Imam Husayn (R.A): Change through martyr of life, family and companions

Husayn ibn ‘Alī: (Arabic: حسين بن علي بن أﺑﻲ طالب) (8 January 626 AD - 10 October 680 AD) Imam Husayn (R.A) was the son of ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib  and Fātimah Zahrā (daughter of Prophet Muhammad PBUH). Husayn has a symbolic figure in history of Islam as he revived the spirit of true Prophetic (Islamic) approach by his martyr just in half century since Prophet Muhammad passed away. He is recognized as the 'Martyr Of Martyrs' by both Muslim sects of Sunni and Shia.
Husayn ibn Ali (R.A) was exalted by all his close relatives and belovers (around 73) as a martyr. Imam did not accept the tyranny and dictatorship of Yazid, the Umayyad caliph, who believed to be empowered by force, defiance, and threat. Consequently Yazid aimed to execute and kill him. Imam Hussain avoided coming into war and violence, therefore left behind his birthplace the city of Medina. But the Yazidi forces beset him at Karbala (in Iraq). As a consequence, in 680, Husayn (R.A) was martyred and beheaded in the Battle of Karbalā. On the spot 72 members of his family and followered also martyred and/or beheaded including his 6 month’s child. The anniversary of his martyrdom is ("tenth" day of Islamic month Muharram) celebrated in most of Muslim countries as a day of mourning.
Outcome of Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (R.A)
1.       He distinguished a clear line between tyrannical themes of Yazid’s claims to be followed and real spirit of Islam.
2.       He had clear view on symptoms of decay and corruption in the system of the state.
3.       Thomas Carlyle says ‘They[Imam Husayn and His companions] illustrated that the numerical superiority does not count when it comes to the truth and the falsehood. The victory of Husain, despite his minority, marvels me!
4.       Dr. Muhammad Iqbal comments that ‘Imam Husain uprooted despotism forever, till the Day of Resurrection. He watered the dry gardens of freedom with a surging wave of his blood, and indeed he awakened the sleeping Muslim nation. If Imam Husain had aimed at acquiring the worldly empire, he would not have traveled the way he did. Husain weltered in blood and dust for the sake of truth. Verily, therefore, he becomes the foundation of the Muslim creed ‘La Ilaha Il-lallah,’ meaning, there is no deity but Allah (God).’ 

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